Finished construction projects

The beautiful greenery growing on our substrates can be admired in many locations.
These are just some of them:

Nowe Żerniki, Wrocław, investor: Vantage Development Sp. z o.o.

Spirala Czasu Nowe Żerniki, Wrocław, investor: Archicom S.A.

Ul. Ślusarska, Kraków, investor:

ul. Borowska, Wrocław, investor: Triada-Dom Sp. z o.o.

Róża Wiatrów, Wrocław, inwestor: Archicom S.A.

Ul. Grabiszyńska, Wrocław, investor: Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa Metalowiec

Angel River, Wrocław, investor: Angel Poland Group SA

Wielicka Garden, Kraków, investor: Atal S.A. – extensive greenery on the roof

Atal Towers, Wrocław, investor Atal S.A. – extensive greenery on the roof

Nowe Żerniki, Wrocław, investor: Atal S.A. – extensive greenery on the roof

Osiedle Stella, ul. Człuchowska, Warszawa, investor: Profbud

Park Moniuszki, ul. Moniuszki, Mysłowice, investor: Nexx Sp. z o.o. S.K.

Podium Park, ul. Jana Pawła II, Kraków, investor: Podium Investment – investment with BREEAM Outstanding Certficate!

Wiślane Tarasy 2.0, ul. Grzegórzecka, Kraków, investor: Inter-Bud Deweloper